Because B4RN (Broadband for the Rural North) is a Community Benefit Society, we aren't interested in commercial speculation; we only extend our network into communities where we are wanted.
Each new area that invites B4RN in needs to raise a certain level of investment to cover the work and materials required for their area’s installation. A significant amount of that cost is currently being met with government voucher funding.
Find out more about investing in B4RN
Every community’s core investment consists of shares in B4RN. B4RN will use its best endeavours to allocate your investment according to your preference but reserves the right to direct investment to develop the network generally.
Minimum shareholding £100 / maximum £100,000.
All shareholders are members of B4RN. One member, one vote.
Shares must be held for a minimum of 3 years.
Investment in shares attracts the current rate of 5%, which can be paid out or reinvested yearly.
Some shareholders choose to invest £1,500 and claim a waived connection fee worth £60. (Remember: The £1,500 must be invested in a single transaction and before the connection goes live to qualify for a waived connection fee and three months free broadband service. Full rules here)
Shares cost £1 each and can only be sold back to B4RN at £1 each.
Find Out More
For a more comprehensive outline of investing in B4RN, click here to view our Share Prospectus.
You can read the society's rules handbook by clicking here for full details of what it means to become a member of the B4RN Community Benefit Society.
B4RN is registered under the FCA Mutuals Public Register, Company Registration Number 31352R (Our publicly filed Accounts and Annual Returns can be found here)
Should you wish to invest in B4RN shares now:
Download the Share Form here or email for a copy.
Print and fill out the form. You can ask for your investment to be linked to your local project.
Post your signed form to: B4RN, Station Yard, Melling, Carnforth, LA6 2QY or email your signed form to:
If you would like to make an investment pledge (with payment delayed until your local project goes ahead), please complete the ‘Pledging Form’ and do not send any funds at this stage.
The form for ‘Individual and Joint’ pledging can be found here, and the form for ‘Organisations and Businesses’ can be found here.
Please post your signed form to: B4RN, Station Yard, Melling, Carnforth, LA6 2QY
or email your signed form to: