Please visit our support site at where you'll find useful articles in our knowledgebase and where you can request support.
You can also use the blue Help button that features in the bottom right of every page on this site to contact us.
Contact us by phone
Call us on 01524 555887 where you will be presented with the following menu options:
Option 1 for a technical issue with your B4RN service, to report damage to our fibre, or a streetworks issue such as faulty traffic lights, signage or barriers
Option 2 for progressing an existing request for a new fibre broadband service.
Option 3 for progressing a new B4RN Voice phone service
Option 4 for customer billing and direct debit queries
Option 5 for voucher queries
Option 6 for anything else
Our opening hours are Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. We monitor emails and voice messages for loss of service issues outside those times.