News archive: Eric Ollerenshaw Invites Jeremy Hunt to B4RN
June 15th, 2012
Author: Chris Conder
Posted In: Archive News
Rural Broadband is very much in the news recently, debates are happening everywhere as to what is the best way to deliver the UK’s next Generation Access and there are many different views, all with their supporting arguments.
B4RN is currently deploying a 1000Mbs fibre optic network to a deeply rural area East of Lancaster. We have had excellent support from many areas, but one person that has been B4RNstorming in Westminster is local MP Eric Ollernshaw. He attended the launch event where he had discussions with many of the committee members and more importantly the community and has really taken on the cause of the project.
He has mentioned B4RN in various debates in the past when the opportunity has arisen, however most recently, in the Oral Questions to Jeremy Hunt (Secretary of State, Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport) that took place in the House of Commons on June 14th 2012, Mr Ollerenshaw asked Mr Hunt if, “would be prepared to meet the Broadband for the Rural North community group”, to which the response was, “certainly I or the Under-Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport, my hon. Friend Mr Vaizey, would be delighted to meet him and his constituents”. The full Hansard transcript can be seen here.

Hansard Transcript
We would like to echo Mr Ollerenshaw’s invitation. Mr Hunt and Mr Vaizey are more welcome to come and see what the community of the Lancashire Lune Valley are doing. We will show them our ducting work, village hub cabinets, fibre optic cable splicing but most importantly our enthusiasm to get the job done and provide this part of Lancashire with a world class broadband service.
Oh yes, and of course it goes without saying, there will be cake!
So come on Mr Hunt, when are you coming to see B4RN?
UPDATE: nearly 12 months later, and eventually our fantastic MP Eric gets the ‘new’ secretary of state to come and visit. See a-grand-day-out