B4RN Wins Awards Double!
November 8th, 2021
Author: Mark Gray
Posted In: Latest news

Our awards getting to know each other.
B4RN has won two major industry awards!
We were named ‘Best Community Project’ at the INCA Gold Awards before winning ‘Best Rural ISP’ at the ISPA Awards.
It was a whirlwind 48 hours for B4RN, claiming the INCA prize during a dinner at the National Motorcycle Museum on Wednesday last week (3rd November), before picking up the ISPA gong during a glitzy ceremony at the Sheraton in London the next day (4th November).
Speaking after the INCA win, CEO Michael Lee was quick to recognise everyone involved: “This award belongs to the communities, volunteers, champions and landowners that work every day to deliver future proof broadband to their communities.”
Chief Operating Officer Tom Rigg echoed those sentiments at the ISPAs: “These awards are for you. All our communities, champions, volunteer, landowners – everyone! What an achievement, you deserve it!”
As the wins were announced on our social media, dozens of people took time to congratulate B4RN.
Some told their own stories about B4RN, including Rob Urselmann, who runs an energy sector engineering consultancy business out of Kirkby Lonsdale thanks to his B4RN connection: “The incredible power of local communities. Six years ago, our ancient rural copper wire internet failed every time it rained. It rains a lot in the North of England. Then, as a community supported by the then still all volunteer B4RN, we dug our own trenches, laid cables, connected homes. In the process, there was always coffee/tea and baked goodies by those who couldn’t contribute physically. No need to say we also strengthened an already good community spirit. With a rock solid Gigabit fibre-to-the-premise connection, B4RN is the reason Aotea can deliver the professional service we do!”
B4RN will initially give the awards pride of place at Melling HQ whilst a plan to send them ‘on tour’ to all our communities is hatched.
Below: The wins as they were announced on social media and pictures of us receiving the awards:

Receiving the ISPA Award for ‘Best Rural ISP’

Receiving the INCA Gold Award for ‘Best Community Project’