Walking in the footsteps of a giant. A photo gallery.
October 25th, 2022
Author: Chris Conder
Posted In: Latest news
This week we have had a visitor from B4SH, the network in the Surrey Hills which Walter started a few years ago. Sadly, Walter died earlier this year, but his boots and his memory lives on, and his daughter Anneli has been here retracing some of his footsteps. In his actual boots. We have not been able to get round the whole of the network but we have been to a few of the places where he came up to help the community. The photos below are a small sample of what Anneli was able to see on her visit and meet some of the champions and take tea. For those who never met him, Walter was an avid B4RN supporter and our very first shareholder.

Anneli arrives at her accommodation high up on the fells to be greeted by a sunset and Sheena’s Geese

Day 1, Walters boots, on Anneli’s feet, stood where he stood on a very snowy day, blowing fibre to Lowgill.

Keasden Head, to Sheila’s for tea and cake, and a visit to the schoolroom where amazing classes are run. A particularly long ‘interesting’ and challenging dig to a very remote location which the local volunteers are rightly proud of.

Up to Jubilee Tower, to meet Barry (the genius founder of B4RN and Allen the Dolphinholme champ on the site of the first dig day, March 31st 2012 where Walter met hundreds of volunteers. With spades. Anneli is holding Walters wooden award spade.

Lunch at the B4RN office, and meeting some of the staff and champions who knew Walter. Great to see Bruce the blow, Paul, Jim Carl and Tom. The cake was ace.

Off to Barbon where Will was connecting a new customer to the network. And to see how things get done.