News archive: Land Rover, The Princes Trust & B4RN
March 12th, 2014
Author: Chris Conder
Posted In: Archive News
Some people may remember that B4RN was awarded the use of a Land Rover Freelander 2 towards the end of last year thanks to the Land Rover Countryside Bursary in partnership with The Princes Countryside Fund.

The new freelander, on loan to B4RN for 12 Months from the Princes Countryside Trust fund and Landrover
Those who are familiar with the type of terrain that the B4RN area covers will know that the availability of a reliable 4×4 vehicle is a necessity. So it goes without saying that since the first day of delivery, the Land Rover has been out in the fields come rain, shine, snow, hail and whatever else Mother Nature has thrown our way. It has enabled the team to get deep into the fields where the fibre optic cable is routed and as can be seen from the super film produced by the people at Land Rover, the vehicle also doubles as a fibre work tent.
The film (produced by Land Rover and The Prince’s Countryside Fund), shows not only how useful the Land Rover is to projects and communities like B4RN but also what the project itself brings to a community. Not only the world class broadband but also the bringing together of many different people in the community with a single cause for the benefit of all.