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News archive: December newsletter and Thank You

December 24th, 2012
Author: Chris Conder
Tags: b4rn community digitalbritain ducting fibre jfdi
Posted In: Archive News

Thank You from B4RN

Thanks to you all for your support this past year, and what a year it has been.  A year ago we had only just launched our shares!  The B4RN management committee would like to thank many individually but there are far too many, so we’ll categorise it a bit.

Thanks to all the farmers and landowners who have let the diggers on their land despite the appalling conditions and had faith in us to make as little mess as possible and make it good afterwards.

Thanks to the farmers who have done their own digging too, and those who have helped us get under walls and tracks, helped us avoid obstacles and helped us by moving kit and storing it.

Thanks to the villagers who have turned out in force to lay ducting, dig to peoples houses and help their neighbours.

Thanks to the community members who have learnt how to do key jobs like blowing fibre, fusion splicing, laying ducting, route planning etc.

Thanks to all the shareholders who have put up the money to finance the core network, thanks to donors and those who have raised funds for the diggers and bought our own machinery. Especially Anton.

Thanks to the people who have brewed tea and brought it out to the fields to warm us up, and thanks to those who have encouraged us in many small but important ways.

Thanks to the many people on the various social networking sites and blog that have spread the word about B4RN.

Thanks to our partners and sponsors:
GEO supply our dark fibre link to Manchester
Emtelle who supply our duct and the fibre to blow into it. Also Mark and Dave for training us how to blow it.
Webro who also provide us with fibre to blow into the ducts.
TNP Ltd (The Networking People) Robin and Scott

Lee from Core Precison for splicing.
Carrera IT Ltd for hosting and designing our website.
Forest of Bowland AONB for sponsoring the start up of our company.
CBS Products Ltd Blowing machines and Pete Smith for his demo.
Lonsdale Net for splicing.
Lucidos for training.

Thanks to the contractors: Tk Robinson/Rusty. Ned Brooks. TS Trenching

The first share issue which gave a free connection for £1500.00 foundation shares is now over, but anyone working for shares can still have a foundation membership share entitling them to a free connection and a years free service – this part was extended because many have not completed work due to the weather conditions. Don’t worry, we will still honour our part of the bargain because we know its only the weather that has delayed your claim.

More customers are due to be connected in Quernmore, and beta testing will soon start in Arkholme. We will keep you updated in the New Year, and please check the webiste and facebook page. https://b4rn.org.uk/latest-news-2

We hope you all have a peaceful and Happy Christmas, and we look forward to a New Year of better weather and getting more people connected. We will invite you all to the inauguration event when a date is decided and you can experience a world-beating connection for yourselves. The wreath in our Christmas card is made from leftover bits of ducting and fibre, as well as some fruit. And Nuts.

Thank you again
from the B4RN committee.

Gavin And Belinda Second Nature Smallban

Stories from out in the field from our very happy customers

One residential customer in Over Kellet used to know whether it was worth firing up her computer by looking out of her front window to see what the weather was doing with her telephone line.

Customer Testimonial

We juggle two jobs from home, and it’s just been a game-changer. Just sign up! It’s the best internet service I’ve ever received, and I’ve moved a thousand times!
Georgiana, Dentdale

We’re award winners!

Connected Britain Bpoty All Caps Edit Best Rural Isp Winner 2022 Inca Winner 2022 Medium Connected Britain Community Improvement Award Winner 2022 Inca Ispa 1663059912