News archive: Arkholme joins the race
July 30th, 2012
Author: Chris Conder
Posted In: Archive News
Today the community in Arkholme got together to lay their first ducting to their village hall.

Laying out plastic to protect the grass (wedding here at weekend)
They also laid the electricity supply which will power up their hub when it goes live.
Very little impact on the land was made, and the trustees and managers of the hall were very pleased with the whole job.
It was a good morning’s work, and proves again that this isn’t rocket science, and any community with a few men of grit can soon lay the infrastructure needed to have a world class internet connection.

Can’t beat a nice cuppatea.
What we were lacking today was a char wallah, but David brewed up and we had biscuits.
Can’t beat a nice cuppa tea.
John came with his digger to do the work in the field, and the volunteers backfilled it all because it was on a nasty slope and with the wedding on Saturday we didn’t want to risk making any ruts. Once the sod was back on you could hardly tell we had been there, and a dose of rain will soon cover all traces of the dig.
I am sorry I didn’t get photos of all the volunteers as some came and went during the morning and fitted in whatever time they could spare. Well done to all.

John the diggerdriver.

Cutting the expansion joints out of the flags to put ducting in. The wood will be replaced.

Digger almost meeting up with the diggers…

Duct and wire laid through extra strengthener through the gatehole.

Job done, and the rain will soon wash the grass clean.